August 03, 2004

The Beginning

Since this will actually be read by other people than myself, I am not sure how to proceed. Mummy kept my diary online, and I think I will do the same, save for certain parts of course. You guys can't know everything about me:-D
It is August 3rd and I am sitting in my new offices in Camp Deutsch, located in Camp Slayer, near BIAP in Iraq. Confusing enough? I know. This place isn't that awful, at least we don't have to wear gear walking all over the place, and I now have a bike to ride to chow and such. We even have a swimming pool on post that we can go to. Not that I will frequent it, it is still quite sunny out and I have no intention of burning. The building I work in smells of cat pee unfortunatly, but it has become the running joke, and to be quite honest, most of us who work here become accustomed to it during the day. The place where I live is quite crowded and infested with ants, but so long as we are careful with food we don't have a problem. As we have no showers nearby, we have to ride about 3/4 of a mile away to shower trailers. Hopefully soon we will have our own.
This place gets more and more frustrating though. I quit smoking finally, and I am thinking I should have waited! I have around 4 more months left here, and I am still steadily going insane.

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