March 07, 2005

Oh yeah, I can't believe I forgot

One of my team mates brought in this weeks Army Times, and the cover story was on Military Bloggers. Of the 4 pictured I read 2 of them regularily, so I read the article, and surprise surprise, guess whos name was mentioned in the colum listing wildly read mil bloggers:-D They also brought up the coincidence with Armor Geddon's Blog and mine:) It was wicked Kewl:-D


DementedPhotographer said...

What a cool way to achieve fame! ;)

Of course, I've never even SEEN a copy of Army Times...

AFSister said...

Hey Lizzie-
I got a preview of the article last week and saw your name- and Armour Gedden. You're in some fine company!

Hope you're feeling better soon- mentally and physically. Loved the pics of you and the little ones- so cute and cuddly! Someday you'll have a few of your own to cuddle with. Take care!