March 01, 2005

What are you afraid of?

I just finished watching an episode of Charmed, which while a wee bit on the hokey side, did actually make me think of a good point. The episode centered on the sisters facing their worst fears and overcoming them with the greatest power of all, Love. Like I said, a little hokey, but true. We all have things that we fear in our life, but thinking back on my own life, I can see where the above would be true. So long as you have someone who loves you unconditionally, you can face your fears head on, and while not be completely unafraid, be strong in knowing that there is someone standing behind you all the way. I am afraid of a lot of things, but I have always known that there is someone there who believes in me. Whenever I am facing something that I am afraid of, examples being before I went to leadership school last year, before I went to basic training, Mum has always told me not to be afraid, that I will pass and that I will excell because she believes in my abilities, even though I may not. So who is your person to help you through your fears?


DementedPhotographer said...

hhhmmmm ... you DID see Sunday's sermon, right? ;)


Sean Dustman said...

I have this great fear of public speaking (like when MSNBC called me on live TV last year) but I get by on that, my other big fear is has always been someone dying on me, guess I'm in the right job. Glad you're doing alright, I'm almost home and going to be married soon:) She sort of looks like Kate Winslet from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind but with pink hair.

Jason said...

Wait a minute here. You were watching "Charmed"? That is a show about sisters that are WITCHES, right? And their answer to overcoming fears is "Love." Okay, I see a very real conflict in this. The Bible plainly tells us that God is the only source for real love and it also plainly tells us "Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord...Deut. 18" See the problem here? Then it comes to the point of who should or should not watch a show about witchcraft, or homosexuality, or adultery, or any other activity that we know is a sin based on our knowledge of scripture. Food for thought and prayer.