September 24, 2005

Interesting conversations

I am sitting here on duty today, bored off my arse.
I was having an interesting conversation with someone, concerning the pacisfism that seems to have spread across the United States. I had to point out to him that in the last century, we have had 7 major conflicts, and who knows how many other minor conflicts. It is understandable. We were also discussing the world we live in here in the military. In my point of view, we live in a gray world. Things aren't so black and white, in our world we walk a fine line between the two.


Anonymous said...

Oh so true, Lizzie. Though I do find that some pass-times and occupations can cause that "gray world," to grow. I quit one high paying job at a major corporation for just that reason. They wanted me to expand my gray area thus defying my ethics - for a very palatable salary. I decided it wasn't worth my soul.

Anonymous said...

Lizzie-the pacifist movement today is not even close to what it was in the 60s-70s. My battlion was deployed outside Chicago during the Democrat convention in 1968. Had Mayor Daly lost control, the President would have sent US Army into the city. I believe we were as close to civil war at that time as we have been since 1861. Thanks for your service.

Anonymous said...

Totally off topic, but your blog was listed in Time Magazine either last week or the week before as a popular military site... but you probably already know that.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lizzie, someone told me about your blog so I thought I'd check it out. You are doing a great job, thanks. What does ROFL mean? I'm an old guy and not too up on computer lingo. I agree with what you said today about the military life I'm in the reserves and it is a whole different world on post.

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm from the states and I read about your website in the Washington Post...I'm 18 and I was wondering if there was anyway that if you have any friends who need some mail or just a note ot say hi, if could have their email address given to me, I want to be able to contact a soldier to just give them some support. My name is Elizabeth Brackin, my email is If you feel this invades your privacy please just disregard. I think what you are doing for the US is absolutely amazing and I salute you...