Soon I will spill all the details (ok NOT all the details) but for now, I leave you with a picture.

This was taken shortly after the ceremony and is my favorite picture.
This was not a political blog, not an opinionated blog, not a blog intended to cause controversy. This was my life's story, out there for all to see.
Congratulations! You looked great in white!
Congratulations Lizzie
Awwwww, how sweet!
But you KNOW I want those details. ;)
Once again Congrats Liz! You guys look great!
WWOOO HHOOO Don't you look purty!!!! The guy isnt' too bad either. Congrads!
You are married to my bestest friend. I hope you two are happy together!!!! That pic is so cute I think I am gonna cry... and who knew Mace could clean up so well.... Congrats!!!!! <~~~ Kari
Lizzie, you look good you look happy and I wish you all the best. The only thing is that tatoo didn't go with the sweet face and nice dress. But that is just me, conservative. One advice: wait at least one year until you decide to have kids.
Civilian life is strange in the few months, but you get adjusted to being lazy and sleep in late. Is harder to go back to work after that....
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