Boy the table look REALLy small then.

Yes, I really did keep the kitchen that clean while cooking Thanksgiving dinner;-) My husband thinks I suffer from over obsessiveness.

My perfectly cooked turkey (I overcooked the pumpkin pies though ROFL. Stuck them in the oven shortly before eating, and then forgot they were there, for 2 hours!!!!!!!!!! They came out edible though;-D )
The long weekend was for the most part uneventful.
Friday morning, I was in NO mood to be awake at 5 in the morning for the "great" sales. I preferred to avoid the madness and mayhem and enjoy my very warm bed, which I did, alone. Daniel had a momentary lapse in sanity and decided to go to Best Buy, where he discovered just about everything gone. He returned home bearing breakfast from the whataburger, which I attempted to eat before my head hit the table. I went back to sleep, sleeping in until later, and then I decided that we should venture out and see what was about. The mall was still insanely packed, so we left there shortly and headed off to Target, where I picked up a few more tops for work. Later that evening, Daniel and I joined a friend of his from work, and his wife and went to an after Thansgiving party. As I knew NO ONE, I held back a bit, but soon was enjoying myself hanging around with his buddy's wife. After leaving we returned to Best Buy, where we discovered a very good deal on a microwave, making me very happy. I now am only missing but one item to make my kitchen complete: A Kitchen Aid!!!!! I have a slight obsession with these machines, but come now, they can do EVERYTHING, but cook the food, with the right attachments of course. Mummy had one growing up, and I got very accustomed to it.
Saturday was pretty lazy, but Sunday we got the wild idea to take a trip to Tombstone for the afternoon. It was freezing there, with the wind, but it was also empty of too many tourists and whatnot, so we spent a peaceful afternoon taking in the sights and window shopping.
These last two days I have been settling into my job rather comfortably, and taking on as many tasks as I possibly can. One can only answer the phone so many times and not wish to tear ones hair out unless there is something to occupy the mind with as well.

This is one of the more famous graves in Boothill Cemetary, for obvious reasons.

This is my personal favorite:)

The most famous of the famous in Tombstone

The view was incredible, to say the least

One of the many gunfights, this one amongst the more amusing
Belated Happy Thanksgiving. OMG, has it been that long? You're married?! Congratulations! Take care. :)
Tombstone is a very cool place. Great pictures. I was suprised just how small the OK corral area really is in person. The old movies always made it look like they were shooting on a football field sized area and not from 10-15 feet away. When I lived in Tempe, I would bring people there for site seeing.
Welcome to our part of town Lizzie, Great looking turkey, we did frozen white castles, I boycotted.
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