July 09, 2006

Back Home Again

After yet another LONG day of driving, we are back from Texas, snug back in our own apartment. It was a fairly mundane vacation, just a week of relaxing at Daniel's parents house and kicking around doing a whole lot of nothing. It did have its interesting highlights though. We had opted to not take our 2 cats as we didn't want to subject them to the 16 hour drive, but that didn't stop me from finding a wee kitten one night while we were out for a drive in the country. After taking it home and cleaning it up, we spent the next morning chasing all over Victoria trying to find a place that would take it in. Cats are apparently not big in SE Texas and we ended up leaving her at an old friend of Daniel's. Unfortunatly she was a bit too young and ended up dying later on. Kinda a big bummer!
Tuesday night we headed out to the ranch to blow things up:) Of course, cause I am a dork and while lighting someone's sparkler had it go off in my hand, thus causing a large blister on the center of my palm. It is small now, but boy did it hurt!!
Tomorrow it is back to the grindstone, ick:( I want to sleep in some more:)


Anonymous said...

Hello, Elizabeth (or do you prefer Lizzie?)

I am working on a political science textbook and the authors are including a section on blogging from Iraq. They would really love to include a photo of you from your time in the army. Please send me an email to discuss! kateland_photo at hotmail dot com. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Elizabeth ... I'm with the American Legion Auxiliary and would like to find some Army personnel to send packages or mail to ... We adopted a Marine Maitenance troop and have sent things to them but we would like to do something for the Army as well ... Can you help? Email me at ScarletPen@aol.com ... And I will order Burden's book 'The Blog of War. Thanks for the interesting posts you've shared. ;-)