December 14, 2004


Mummy, we will go out, just a month later then planned. Remember, VAIN here?!! You should know this you raised me that way Mwahahaha. IS all YOUR fault hehehehe. Ok before I scare anyone here, you should know I love my Mummy very much and she knows I am playing with her. And just in case you didn't know, she comments under the name (Ready for this?) Mummy:-D heheheeh.
Oh yeah, you can't go redhead, that's MY domain!


Sean Dustman said...

Have a good trip back but your going to the east coast, not going to be able to buy you a cold one. The thought is there though! Stay safe!

DementedPhotographer said...

Two posts in one day?

Your Mum is going red?

Woah, I'm dizzy. ;)


Cheryl Aileen said...

No go I need a drink as much as you do! You think getting blown up was b ad you just wait till it is your progeny that gets blown up in some forsaken counry and then said child CHOOSES to return to said country with all it's daily mortars etc and make you cry for a week! You owe me a drink and I night out and I ain't taking no rainchecks!!!!

As for you vainity ahem If you will remember I took the ribbons away after you flaunted those braids in front of the neighbor girl!

Oh and speaking of vainity you don't have the market on going red ask Grandma I went red long before you walked this earth LOLOL But I shall stick to auburn it looks better on me anyway.

AFSister said...

Hey Girl!
Glad to hear you're looking AND feeling a bit more "normal" now. The decision to return to your unit was the right one- dealing with stressful situations is best done with those who experienced it as well. I'm a Red Cross volunteer, and after a particularly stressful event (like a fire with a death or a major disaster), my family just isn't enough to get me through it. I need my fellow teammates to talk it out. Sometimes (most of the times, actually) we don't have to say anything to be be comfort to each other. The looks on our faces says it all.
Keep your chin up, and your ass out of enemy sight until you get home!

Lois Lane said...

I'm glad you are making such a quick comeback! Tormenting your mother already... that's a good sign. Keep on keeping on girl!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have been looking at your blog for sometime and would like to say how refreshing you are. Please stay safe (even though I am not overly religious GOD BLESS YOU and all those serving the coalition, especially the Australians).



The Lovely Wife said...

I say you are entilted to your vanity but there is always the opportunity to use your condition to your advantage as well. Think of all the great mileage and free drinks you can milk it for. I too am a mom and see your mummy's point of view so my advice is to combine the two and take your mom out and milk it girl. You deserve it. I have enjoyed reading your blog and hope that you continue even when you are back stateside.