August 18, 2005

Looooooooooooooooong weeks

I am so looking forward to this weekend. We have had an exercise ongoing, and while I am not a direct part, it has kept me very busy. 7 new guys in this week, one person to help them, and I am up and down the stairs constantly. Not so good for pain, but I deal:-D

I had a most intersting conversation with my Grandmother tongiht about tolerance of others. In her words, The thing she is most intolerant of, is intolerance., and I agree with her completely. God says to love all, and his answer for all is love. But intolerance completely violates that in my opinion. We should resepct others, regardless of their beliefs and their ways. I am not saying you can not discuss with others, what you believe, BUT don't be disrespectful. That is not showing love for your fellow man. Anyway enough of that soapbox.

Next week is the range, then shortly therafter I get to see my dearest, hopefully. I need a miracle, but don't we all:-D


CHRIS LEAV said...

Hey, Sgt. Lizzie! What a nice blog you have here! This post is great, too. Your Grandmother sounds like a well of wisdom. I've been out of the USMC for 20 years this past June, and I still cringe at the thought of going to the range. I was an avionics tech, so I had a skate job, and hated doing anything remotely "military!"

I just came across a nice comment you left at LEAVWORLD many months ago, and I see that you list Rosemary on your favorite blog list. She's great, and I contribute to her LOVE AMERICA FIRST blog. I'm sorry I haven't been over here before! I've been missing something truly enjoyable to read. Keep on writing, I'll keep reading, and I think this is a blog that my fiance will enjoy more than all the political stuff I usually read. (She's a lib, I'm a con, but we do find so much else in life to agree on)


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarge, I liked what both you and your grandmother said about tolerence. I'm finding that the older I get the less tolerent I'm becomming of people and I have always been pretty laid back. I need to work on that.

Take care.


Destin, Florida

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarge,

I read this article today, Blogs Give New View from War and glanced over your blog.

(address to article:,13319,FL_blogs_081305,00.html? )

Undoubtedly you are an inspiration to many, including me. Soldiering on, femininity uncompromised, commited writer.... Keep up the good work.


Arlington, TX

alaskavetusmc said...

I found your blog recently and really enjoy it. Reading through your archives brought back many memories of my deployment to Afghanistan. Thank God that you survived the explosion/wreck so that we could all gain from your story. Thank you for your service.


Wasilla, AK